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British Council publications

Las 100 dudas mas frecuentes del ingles

Las 100 dudas más frecuentes del inglés

The British Council and Editorial Espasa have teamed up once more to launch a compilation of some of the most common stumbling blocks for Spanish speakers learning English. The book takes a question-and-answer format and deals with a wide variety of topics, including writing, verbs, prepositions and particles, expressions, sentence construction, corrections, questions of style, and much more besides.

Published in 2019 | More information 

La importancia del juego en la infancia

The importance of play in childhood: a guide from the British Council School

Claudia Xibixell, School Counsellor and Coordinator of the Wellbeing Hub at the British Council School, presents this guide with key explanations of the importance of play, throughout the different stages of childhood, for children’s proper physical and emotional development. 

Publicado en 2018 | Descarga aquí PDF (5MB)

English Impact cover

English Impact: an evaluation of English Language Capability

English Impact aims to provide robust policy-relevant data evidencing English language capability in the Community of Madrid.  The presentation of the assessment results and the supporting data is intended to provide depth and insight into students’ assessment outcomes, and go some way to showing the impact of the English language policy in Madrid.

Published in 2017 | Download PDF (8MB)

Languages for the future cover

Languages for the Future

Spanish tops the list of priority languages for the UK's future prosperity.  The 2017 report argues that, in a new era of cooperation with Europe and with the rest of the world, investment in upgrading the UK’s ability to understand and engage with people internationally is critical.

Published in 2017 | Download PDF (1,1MB)

Las 500 dudas más frecuentes del inglés by British Council and Espasa

Las 500 dudas más frecuentes del inglés

Las 500 dudas mas frecuentes del inglés is published by Espasa Publishing in conjunction with the British Council. The book is made up of the most frequent questions and doubts that Spanish people have when it comes to speaking English. The British Council has provided clear answers and explanations to these questions with examples to illustrate correct usage.

Published in 2016 | More information

Word for word

The book examines the role of English and Spanish in contemporary societies together with their social, economic and political impact.  Download the study which was written in association with Santillana publishing and the Cervantes Institute.

Published in 2017 | Download PDF


guía de los niños emocionalmente inteligentes

Niños emocionalmente inteligentes

What  are the features that people  with emotional intelligence have in common? The British Council School has developed this guide with useful advice on how teachers and parents can help children and teenagers develop these important skills.

Published in 2016 | Download PDF

portada guia para padres bilingualismo

Bilingualism guide for parents

This guide has been written with the aim of explaining in simple and clear language a variety of issues families might have when choosing a bilingual education. Relevant research from recent decades was reviewed in order to provide answers to their questions. The answers are also based on opinions of national and international experts in the field of second or third language acquisition.

Published in 2014 | Download PDF (1,3 MB)

Portada Guidelines for Inclusion and Diversity in Schools

Guidelines for Inclusion and Diversity in Schools

Inclusion and Diversity in Education is a British Council led project aimed at promoting social cohesion and raising educational standards in culturally inclusive schools. It is run in collaboration with local and regional education authorities from nine EU Member States: Belgium, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom.

Published in 2010 | Download PDF (1MB)

Portada de la acreditación del nivel de lengua inglesa en universidades españolas

Accreditation of English in Spanish Universities Report

At a time of educational change, with the focus set strictly on European Convergence, there is clearly great interest on the part of Spanish universities in fomenting the acquisition of knowledge and skills in foreign languages, fundamentally English. However, this interest is not always accompanied by clear, coherent and homogenous policies either on the part of the universities or of government bodies with educational competences. 

Published in 2010 | Download PDF (0,4 MB)