Thanks to the following publishers and other organisations who support our conferences by providing expert speakers, networking opportunities, and wonderful exhibitions full of the latest innovations in English language teaching. 

We would like to give special thanks to IELTS and APTIS for their support this year.

Cambridge University Press logo

Cambridge University Press

English and the teaching of English changes: technology, bilingualism, new trends in audiovisual, new media and innovative teaching platforms mean that teacher training is more essential than ever. At Cambridge University Press we support teacher education with our award-winning range of resources for teachers, our courses and our teacher development events.
Cambridge University Press

Express Publishing logo

Express Publishing

Express Publishing is a wholly independent publishing house dedicated to producing quality English Language Teaching (ELT) materials. Founded in 1988, the company has enjoyed steady, rapid growth and currently has a list of over 2,000 titles in over 80 countries worldwide. Uniquely among leading publishers, we view ELT not as one department of a larger concern, but as the single focus of our operations.
Express Publishing.

Helbling Languages logo

Helbling Languages

Helbling Languages innovates in English Language Teaching through our printed and digital resources.  Our “Helbling e-Zone” offers teachers and students countless free resources.  Our published resources (textbooks, grammar guides, graded readers) are available in Spain through SGEL.
Helbling e-zone.

logo macmillan educatiion

Macmillan Education

Macmillan Education supports the European-led objective for the integration of Life Skills in Education. In recognition of that, we have been awarded with the Innovation in Teacher Resources ELTon Award in June 2015.

Macmillan Education


National Geographic Cengage Learning logo

National Geographic Cengage Learning

At National Geographic Learning we believe English is not an isolated subject but one that is interwoven with the world around us. Using National Geographic texts, videos and images the materials we produce reflect the reality of that world and act as a springboard for our students to become 21st Century communicators.

National Geographic Cengage Learning

Oxford University Press logo

Oxford University Press

Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship and education by publishing worldwide.
Oxford University Press.

Pearson logo


At Pearson learning is at the heart of what we do.  Our training materials and resources are available in both print and digital versions, helping you learn wherever you are and however suits you best.    

Pearson, the largest global educational content and services provider.  Longman and Prentice Hall are part of our group. 



Editorial SM logo


SM is a cultural and educational project in two priority areas: our editorial work developing educational services and content, religious publications and literature for children and young adults and our Foundation work which strives to improve access to quality education, teaching and culture to disadvantaged groups in society.