15 Heroines
Monologues ispired by Ovid giving voice to Ariadne, Dido, Sappho and all those silent ancient heroines.
Two thousand years ago, the Roman poet Ovid gave voice to women whose paths crossed the the ancient heroes in a series of fictional letters called The Heroines.
Now, 15 leading British playwrights draw inspiration from Ovid to dramatise the lives of 15 Heroines in short monologues covering: The War which tells the untold stories of the Trojan War, The Desert which is about women going their own way and the Labyrinth, which is about the women who encountered Jason and Theseus.
The monologues are in modern dress bridging the gap between ancient and contemporary bringing these usually silent characters to vibrant life. And the variety of playwrites and directors offer us the opportunity to see the wide ranging talent now working in the UK, the multiplicity of voices are a wonder to behold. " The isle is full of noises, Sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not" to quote the bard.
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