Friday 23 April 2021 -
11:00 to 12:00

We’re celebrating World Book Day by asking a selection of Spanish authors who are the British writers who have made the most impact on them, while discovering which works in Spanish literature have inspired some of their British peers.

We look forward to hearing the recommendations made by the novelist, screenwriter and winner of the 1998 Planeta Prize, Carmen Posadas (her last novel  “La leyenda de la Peregrina" was published in 2020); we’ll find out who motivates Luisgé Martín, Herralde Novel prizewinner in 2020 for his latest novel “Cien Noches”; journalist and writer Julio César Cano, creator of the crime series featuring the emblematic Inspector Monfort, and whose latest installment “Incluso la muerte miente” is out this month will reveal the identity of his favourite British reads; and we’ll discover who has inspired several of the writers included in the selection of the most exciting writers aged thirty-five and under from across the Spanish-speaking world recently announced by the prestigious British literary magazine Granta

From the other side of the English Channel we’ll find out who is one of the Spanish writers who most moves the novelist and journalist Caroline Brothers; who has made a great impact on Jessica Andrews, one of the United Kingdom’s most recent literary revelations thanks to her first novel “Salt Water”; and who Emily Barr, a novelist who writes for both adults and young adults, is currently reading.

If you’d like some fresh ideas about what to read next, join us on April 23rd for some very recommendable recommendations! 

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