The creative forces of Birds of Paradise & Random Accomplice are bringing their frank and hilarious sex comedy Wendy Hoose to the festivals Una mirada diferente in Madrid and 10 Sentidos in Valencia with the support of the British Council. Written by Johnny McKnight and performed by Amy Conachan and James Young this smash-hit comedy tells the story of Jack and his search for a bit of late-night fun with the voluptuous Laura thanks to a dating App. Everything goes well, with the help of a few messages of a sexual nature until Jake and Laura meet face to face. What happens next?
20-21 May 20.30h.
Teatro Valle Inclán
Calle de Valencia, 1
28012 Madrid
28 May 20:30h
Teatre El Musical
Plaça del Rosari, 3
46011 València
Both actors will also take part in a discussion on disability and sexuality in Madrid together with the Italian actresses Viviana Gabrini and Barbara Garlaschelli after their dramatized reading on 22nd May. The talk will be moderated by Gabriele Dadati and will take place at 8.30pm in the Francisco Nieva room at the Valle Inclán theatre. Free admission while space is available. Also supported by the Instituto Italiano de Cultura.