Saturday 12 December 2015 -
18:00 to 19:00
Casa del Lector Matadero Madrid

Bruno Ceschel from “Self Publish Be Happy” is taking part in the third edition of the FIEBRE PHOTOBOOK FESTIVAL 2015 in Madrid.

The third edition of the festival FIEBRE PHOTOBOOK, organised by the photography school Blank Paper and the digital platform “MOB Cultura en Redes” will be taking place in Madrid from 10th to 13th December 2015 in the venues CentroCentro Cibeles, the Casa del Lector at Matadero and Blank Paper. The aim of this pioneer festival in Spain is to give photobooks the visibility they deserve and to promote contact between publishers, authors and the general public. This year’s edition of FIEBRE includes international participants and the British Council is supporting the presence of Bruno Ceschel, the founder of “Self Publish Be Happy”, a British organisation that celebrates, studies and promotes self-published photo books.

The production of a photo book can take months and when it ends a strange love-hate sensation can ensue between the book and its author. The next step entails deciding what to do next. Anna Planas and Pierre Hourquet from the Temple / Galerie et Editions gallery from Paris together with the French critic and independent publisher Rémi Coignet will join Bruno Ceschel for a debate centred on this theme under the title “What´s up, photobook?”