FameLab is the most famous international science communication competition which is organised in Spain by British Council and FECYT with the collaboration of Obra Social ”la Caixa”.
Eight scientists will compete in the final that will take place on 14 May at Teatro Gran Maestre in Madrid. The show will be presented by Eduardo Aldán.
The finalists, four women and four men aged between 23 and 36 with a background in Biochemistry, Veterinary, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering Biology and Biochemistry have already proven their communication skills by successfully conveying in just 3 minutes a scientific concept of their choice.
The jury is composed of Marcos Pérez Maldonado, director Museos Científicos Coruñeses; Pampa García Molina, Chief Editor and Coordinator of Agencia SINC and Carmen Agustín Pavón, researcher at the Universitat de València and collaborator in Orbita Laika.The winner will compete in the Famelab international final in June at the Cheltenham Science Festival in the United Kingdom.
The event will be live-streamed via