Sunday 20 June 2021 -
19:00 to 21:30

Kosmopolis is a biennial literary event that has been held at the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona since 2002.  It promotes a concept of amplified literature and is open to all those manifestations of the spoken, printed and digital word that erode the division between genres and invest in its own future.

Under the heading “The Literature that’s Coming” Kosmopolis 21 will be exploring literature for the age of climate emergency, literature that shuns classification, where genres mingle, and each work is an exploration of uncharted territories. 

Werner Herzog, author of “Fitzcarraldo” and “Aguirre, the Wrath of God”, returns to Kosmopolis—this time by videoconference—to speak with the volcanologist Clive Oppenheimer** about the third documentary they have made together, “Fireball: Visitors from Darker Worlds”, an inquiry into the cultural significance of meteorites, the impact their craters have had on humanity, and everything science has been able to learn about them. More information here

** Available in digital format at the British Council Digital Library. Membership is open to everyone, free of charge and includes access to more than 150,000 documents, ebooks, audiobooks, concerts, plays, films, online training sessions, international press and magazines. Information on how to join here

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