Tuesday 28 May 2024 - 19:00 to Friday 31 May 2024 - 22:00
Centro Condeduque

Seven years have passed since British academic and cultural critic Mark Fisher passed away, but his work remains as relevant today as it was throughout his career. It dialogues with the fields of literature, musical criticism and contmeporary cinema, leading it to become an essential tool to analyse the culture of the masses and understand our current times. On 28 May at 19:30 h, the dialogue will continue at Centro Condeduque de Madrid with the support from the British Council. Professor Luciana Cadahia,  ewriter and photographer Matt Colquhoun, and professor Germán Cano will join in a conversation moderated by Marta Echaves, researcher and activity coordinator at Caja Negra. Together, they will aim to give continuity to Fisher's efforts in understanding what is happening (to us) and what are the possible ways of deviating from his denominated capitalist realism in which we currently live, as well as the future awaiting it. 

On 31 May at 20:30 h, the cycle will continue with an event dedicated to the musical genres that were at the center of Fisher's analysis with a DJ session led by Garikoitz Gamarra and Ylia, which will combine commentary on his work with a carefully selected repertoire that will teach us how to listen to the “slow cancellation of the future” in it. Enter our draw and you may win a double ticket for the show. The deadline to participate is 20 May at 23:59 h (CEST). We will notify the lucky winner on 21 May.  

Mark Fisher After Mark Fisher. Readings, Images and Rhythms for a New (De)Composition of the World (Salón de actos) - More information here
This activity will be broadcasted live on Centro Condeduque's YouTube channel. You may acces the channel here

Garikoitz Gamarra & Ylia “The Rhythms of Mark Fisher” (Auditorium) - More information here



Luciana Cadahia is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Aesthetics at the Catholic University of Chile. She has worked as a tenure-track lecturer at the Autonomous University of Madrid, FLACSO-Ecuador and the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogota. She has also been a researcher and visiting professor at various universities in Latin America, the United States and Europe. At the same time, she has been sub-coordinator of the Andean area of CALAS-Andes and is currently coordinator of the Populism, Republicanism and Global Crisis Network and member of the Consortium of Critical Theory Programs (ICCTP). She has published the following works: All of a sudden Mediations of the Sensitive (De pronto Mediaciones de lo sensible) (FCE, 2017) and Seven Essays on Populism (Siete ensayos sobre el populismo) (Herder, 2020).

Matt Colquhoun is a writer and photographer from Hull, United Kingdom. Best known for his texts on the thinker Mark Fisher, his most recent book, Narcissus in Bloom, was published by Repeater Books in 2023. He is currently a PhD candidate in Philosophy at Newcastle University and runs a blog at His book Egress (2021) has been published in Spanish by Caja Negra. 

Germán Cano is a Full Professor of Contemporary Thought in the Department of Philosophy and Society at the Complutense University of Madrid. His publications include Nietzsche’s Transition (Transición Nietzsche); together with Jorge Alemán, From Disenchantment to Populism (Del desencanto al populismo). The Crossroads of an Era, Forces of Weakness (Encrucijada de una época, Fuerzas de flaqueza). New Political Grammars: from 15M to Podemos, Freud; Paving Stones under the Beach (Adoquines bajo la playa). Biopolitical Scenographies of '68 (Escenografías biopolíticas del 68); Make Die, Let Live (Hacer morir, dejar vivir). Biopolitics and Capitalism (Biopolítica y capitalismo) (ed.). His thinking concentrates on the critical connection between political philosophy and new subjectivities. His latest book is Mark Fisher. The Spectres of Late Capitalism (Los espectros del tardocapitalismo) (2023).

Marta Echaves studied Philosophy and the Independent Studies Programme at MACBA. She is coordinator of activities at the publishing house Caja Negra, where she has collaborated in different activities related to the work of Mark Fisher, ranging from courses, dialogues (with Germán Cano and Raimundo Viejo) and conferences. She is particularly interested in the translation of the concept of hauntology to the Iberian context, she has developed her project About Stalking (De las acechanzas), and is currently researching the potential of Fisher's legacy in relation to Acid Communism and the political metaphorologies of drugs.

Garikoitz Gamarra (Portugalete, 1974) is a lecturer in philosophy and a musician. As an academic, he received his PhD from the University of Deusto for his work on urban aesthetics and the oeuvre of Walter Benjamin, and has published several works on the culture of cities. As a musician, he is best known as the vocalist and composer of the band Ornamento y delito, although he is currently concentrating on his solo career under the stage name GGQuintanilla. His musical influences and tastes are mainly post-punk and the alternative early-90s scene in the Basque Country.

Ylia is a composer, DJ, radio presenter and teacher, her work encompasses disciplines ranging from electronic production to composition for theatre, dance and film as well as live music. She has just released her second album Ame Agaru on the Balmat label. She runs the Animah Records label and works on collaborative projects with the Venezuelan artist Phran under the name People You May Know, and with Darío del Moral, member of Pony Bravo and Fiera, under the name Bola Del Desierto. She is also a member of Niño de Elche's touring band, playing synthesizers, keyboards and electronics.

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