Wednesday 03 June 2020 to Wednesday 01 July 2020

We are proud to be a partner for Modual University of the Arts London’s collaborative online workshop. This year the workshop is also open to anyone interested in studying design or starting a career in design. Students, graduates, and the curious-minded from around the world are welcome to collaborate and develop creative initiatives that will address humanity’s needs at this unique moment in history. 

Over two weeks participants will imagine, develop and pitch creative projects for positive change, focussing on the climate emergency and a post-COVID world. In the process they will develop their skill-set through direct experience of the creative process and have a lot of fun along the way. Mentorship for projects will come from UAL staff as well as partners. Final projects will be unveiled in a pitch event to academia, investors and the general public.

Participants are expected to bring passion, commitment and some experience of working creatively, but advanced digital skills are not a prerequisite. Possession of a laptop or tablet is desirable: a good internet connection even more so.

The workshop takes place from 10am - 5pm BST every weekday from 13th - 24th July 2020. Attendance of all sessions is compulsory. 

Participating in the Modual: Open Futures workshop is free, however, there is an application process and places are limited.