image of female student thinking about the study options and lifestyle posibilities offered by studying in the UK
Wednesday 15 November 2017 -
15:00 to 19:00

Studying in the UK Seminar

Ok Estudiante together with experts fromCoventry University, Navitas and The University of Sunderland invite you to a free seminar on studying in the UK for Headteachers, counsellors and parents.  The aim of the seminar is to help those who guide students through their Bachillerato years to gain a better understanding of the opportunities available in the UK and how to access them.

Seminar programme:

15.30 Registration
16.00 The advantages of studying in the UK
16.20 The Higher Education system in the UK
16.30 Applications schedule, curriculum and methodology
17.00 Study and work: the UK model
17.30 Entry requirements
18.00 Coffee break and networking
18.45 UK Government finance and Brexit
19.15 Questions and Answer session
19.30 Close

Places are free but remember to book!  Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.


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Universities and higher education, Education