The Tempest
The Tempest - Flute Theatre
Sunday 26 March 2017

Flute Theatre is a London-based theater company specializing in the adaptation of Shakespeare pieces for non-conventional audiences, which includes prestigious members of British classical theatre. Its director, Kelly Hunter, has specialized in researching Theatrical experience for children with ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder).

The show is based on the Hunter Heartbeat Method - Shakespeare's Heartbeat documented by the Ohio Stade University (USA) and the University College London (United Kingdom).

The Tempest is the culmination of fifteen years of work, an adaptation of The work of William Shakespeare for these children and young people from 11 to 21 years old which has been performed in the United Kingdom, the United States and Madrid.

It is not a faithful version of the original text, but a series of drama sensory games in which ten children with ASD from the Special Education Centre Montserrat Montero de Granollers participated and the eight members of the company  La Kompanyia Lliure.

It will not be open to the general public and there will be no tickets on sale. 

With this initiative, the British Council demonstrates its commitment to the Child Protection and the inclusion of disability arts within their programmes. The British Council has also participated in projects such as the festival Capacitats and partecipates in the Observatory of the Arts Escèniques Aplicades de Catalunya and the Festival "una mirada diferente" , organized by the Centro Dramático Nacional in Madrid.