Worth Partnership Project: 3ra convocatoria
Monday 08 April 2019 - 00:00 to Thursday 31 October 2019 - 00:00

Following the success of the second edition of the Worth Partnership Project, an initiative co-financed by the European Commission, the British Council continues with its commitment to promote the mobility of talents and ideas in Europe by partnering the third edition of the project with its Sustainable Fashion Award .

The aim of the Worth Partnership Project is to promote the development of innovative products in the design industries through transnational collaborations between designers, traditional and digital artisans, manufacturers and technological partners. The winning initiatives are awarded a prize of € 10,000, an invitation to the main European design fairs and a mentoring plan. The second call attracted 183 collaborative projects, of which 80 were shortlisted and invited to present their ideas at the WORTH Weekend Valencia. The committee of experts, including Kendall Robbins, Acting Senior Programme Manager at British Council, selected 65 winning projects involving 150 participants from 25 European countries. 

The third call opens on April 8 for projects involving professionals from at least two EU countries.