XI Jornadas sobre Inclusión Social y Educación en las Artes Escénicas
Tuesday 02 April 2019 - 00:00 to Thursday 04 April 2019 - 00:00

The eleventh edition of the “Jornadas sobre Inclusión Social y Educación en las Artes Escénicas” (Conference on Social Inclusion and Education in Performing Arts) will be held from April 2 to 4, 2019 at the Góngora Theater and the Gran Teatro de Córdoba.

The theme for the 2019 edition will be "Artistic creation and community: routes and complicities" and will focus on the contexts that are needed so that people can participate in performing arts as a way towards emancipation and insertion into society and the workforce.

The empowerment of people or communities that find themselves in a situation of inequality requires a network of complicities to foster the possibility of change. At the same time, the environment, legislation and socio-political contexts determine the development of a route leading towards the creation or promotion of proposals for which it is essential to have the complicities needed to overcome the myriad of difficulties that these people face in order to fulfill their purpose.

The experiences of women with a diversity of profiles and geographical contexts will be the protagonists of this edition of the Conference.

Thanks to the support of the British Council Natalie South, Grassroots Venues Manager at Attitude is Everything will be among the speakers at this year’s Conference. Attitude is Everything is a disability-led charity with 18 years of experience supporting non-profit and commercial organisations to make what they do more accessible and inclusive for D/deaf and disabled people. Nathalie will give a talk and a workshop about how to achieve universal access by making artistic organizations and venues accessible and inclusive for D/deaf and disabled people from the perspective of live music

This conference was created ten years ago by the British Council, the Spanish Ministry of Culture and the Madrid Contemporary Theatre Festival. Its initial aim was to give artistic and institutional visibility to a number of dramatic and musical integrated projects that were then being carried out in Spain, as well as providing a platform in this country to showcase projects being developed in Great Britain. Since then each new edition has presented a wide variety of national and international projects, making it over the years into a benchmark in the field of arts and disability in Spain.

Over the past few years the British Council has facilitated the participation of a series of top British artists and experts in this event. In 2018 Jenny Sealey, artistic director of the British theatre company Graeae took part; in 2017 Claire Teasdale, executive producer, and Jamie Beddard, actor, from the inclusive circus company Extraordinary Bodies; the academic François Matarasso in 2014; Jo Verrent, artist, writer, manager and activist and academics Dr Selena Busby and Liselle Terret in 2013; or the actress, dancer and choreographer Nadia Adame and the co-founder and artistic director of CandoCo Dance Company Adam Benjamin in 2012.

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Arts, Theatre