Wednesday 03 May 2017 to Friday 05 May 2017

The city of Murcia is this year’s host of the XIX edition of the “Jornadas sobre la Inclusión Social y la Educación en las Artes Escénicas” (Social Inclusion in the Performing Arts Conference) taking place from 3rd to 5th May under the title of “Bodies in Movement”. On this occasion the conference will focus on themes related to creation and artistic management in the fields of performing arts and music in the context of bodies and movement. Particular emphasis will be put on dance, circus skills and theatre although attention will also be paid to music given its essential role as a tool for social integration.

With the support of the British Council this year’s conference will be opened with a talk on 4th May given by Claire Teasdale and Jamie Beddard, executive producer and actor respectively, of the professional integrated circus company Extraordinary Bodies, in which they will present the educational and artistic activities carried out by this prestigious British company and its impact on the local community. Jamie Beddard will also direct a workshop for conference attendees in which he will delve into his artistic activity in more detail looking at the techniques and tools he uses in his work.

This conference was originally created by the British Council, the Spanish Ministry of Culture and the Madrid Contemporary Theatre Festival. Its initial aim was to give artistic and institutional visibility to a number of dramatic and musical integrated projects that were then being carried out in Spain, as well as providing a platform in this country to showcase projects being developed in Great Britain.

Since then each new edition has presented a wide variety of national and international projects, making it over the years into a benchmark in the field of arts and disability in Spain.

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