Discover the measures we put in place in our English classes and exams in the framework of our commitment to child protection.
Our teachers...
- Have passed rigorous selection processes and those professionals who present the best references are finally hired.
- Have signed a commitment letter where they agree to comply with our conduct code and avoid non-exemplary behaviours.
- Take part in a continuing professional development plan where they learn how to integrate values such as resilience or respect for diversity in their lessons.
In our teaching centres:
- The venues are designed considering children’s and teenagers’ needs in each development stage.
- We follow a pick up and drop policy to ensure our students’ security when they enter or leave our centres.
- We guarantee our students’ wellbeing and security during the break time.
- We are aware of the benefits of new technologies for the learning process and we share with our students good practices to use the internet or mobile devices (mobiles phones, iPads, etc) responsibly.
Your role is essential...
- We inform our students and their parents about their rights and duties as members of our educational community.
- We run talks to give our students the chance to learn how to prevent bullying and foster a respectful atmosphere in our classes.
- We also deliver informative sessions to encourage parents and educators to reflect on more effective ways of preventing bullying and threatening behaviours.