
Real Madrid Foundation

We are delighted to announce an exciting new project in conjunction with the Real Madrid Foundation. Campus Experience's Football & English will help children and teenagers aged 9-17 learn English in summer while enjoying themselves playing football.

These one-week programmes take advantage of the passion sparked by football to create an effective learning experience in children and teenagers. Football & English combines training sessions and English classes where students can enhance their command of the English language while learning new vocabulary and expressions related to sports (nutrition, tactics and football rules game situations, amongst others). 

Another relevant aspect of Campus Experience Football & English is that it fosters values such as self-control, effort, teamwork and respect which will enrich the participant’s personality and relationships. 

To make the most of this experience, the students will be supported by coaching staff from Real Madrid and teaching staff from the British Council. Football & English sessions will be held in different locations such as Real Madrid’s Ciudad Deportiva where students will benefit from the quality of activities expected from such a legendary team. 

Course types Days and times  Duration of the English sessions
Campus Interno 8:30 - 9:30 Monday to Friday 1 hour
Campus Tecnificación 19:15 - 20:45 Monday to Thursday  1.5 hours 

Real Madrid Foundation

What is the teaching method?

Our teachers will use high-quality materials that are used to specifically teach the words and phrases that are needed to talk about football on and off the pitch. There are lots of materials to teach general English through football.  These materials cover the same grammar, vocabulary and skills practice that you would find on a standard language course, however, the subject of the lessons will be football or football-related.




Example of lesson format:

Our teachers will develop the English sessions inside the classroom. Each session comprises three stages:

  • Stage one- Vocab review. Essential vocabulary and recycled from the previous day .
  • Stage two- On the Pitch. Football English with specific emphasis on new vocabulary and instructions that a coach or teammate might use – listening and lexical knowledge is the focus.
  • Stage three- Off the pitch. English through football. Reading, listening and speaking activities based on football and football related topics that introduce more general English – more focussed on general language development with specific language goals.

What will your child gain from this course?

On completion of the course, participants will be better able to recognise and use specific lexical items of football English and be better able to understand instructions given by coaches on the pitch. 

In addition, 90% of the participants in the Campus Experience Football & English  are from different countries so they are sure to have an intercultural experience while they develop their skills in English.

Campus Experience by Real Madrid Foundation

Football & English is one of Campus Experience´s most successful proposals. It combines sports and learning to give children and teenagers the chance to benefit from a values-based education.

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