The Infinitely Variable Ideal of the Popular
Friday 13 February 2015 - 00:00 to Sunday 07 June 2015 - 00:00
Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Móstoles

The exhibition The Infinitely Variable Ideal of the Popular attempts to review the work of Jeremy Deller by incorporating early as well as recent work, bearing in mind that this is the first exhibition of its kind presented in a Spanish-speaking country.

Deller's trajectory is notable for a reflection on British culture and its historical and political contradictions, in the context of a post-industrial and multicultural capitalist society. The selected pieces make evident the manner in which Deller departs from object production in order to give way to collective actions, which arise from within the art sphere, only to later desert it. He presents a critical outlook on artistic means of production and on art's self-referential circuit.

Jeremy Deller (London, 1966), has consciously situated his art practice outside the self-referential field of art and the social and class framework that defines it. In this manner, Deller's work acts on different levels and planes with the aesthetics, the narratives and the ethos of the popular. This discourse is a common thread throughout all his production, from his first works, which negotiate with the communicative agility of British Pop, all the way to his more recent installation English Magic (2013), which represented Great Britain at the last Venice Biennale. The work of Jeremy Deller involves a practice of infinite social dedication, which is expressed in interaction with communities, research in working class culture, and empathy with the collective. This exhibition will be the first exhaustive presentation of the artist's work in a Spanish-speaking country.