Saturday 19 May 2018 to Sunday 27 May 2018

Few days before the launch of the first showcase of experiences in virtual reality, (X)R Fest at Espacio Telefónica, focussing on performing arts, we invite you to discover the holographic work of Billy Cowie.

For its 6th edition, FIVER offers an immersive experience in the world of audiovisual dance, comprising installations, screenings and samples of international videodance in different spaces of Naves Matadero and Cineteca Madrid.

The festival pays tribute this year to British artist Billy Cowie. A key director in the investigation and production of dance for screen using 3D tools, he will be presenting for the first time ever in Spain, a monograph featuring works on various installation media. His retrospective will be rounded off by the screening of pieces selected by himself for the Sala Azcona at the Cineteca Madrid.

Wearing 3D glasses, the public will be able to see the performance of a dancer in front of them. She is in fact a projection (a Spectrefilm). She appears to be actually in the space, solid and real; she is there, in effect, ‘in the flesh’.  But at the end of her four minute dance she fades into nothing.